
Maziya Beats Green Streets 4-1

Maziya Beats Green Streets 4-1
Club Green Streets Maziya Sports and Recreation Club

Maziya beats Greens Streets 4-1 in the Premier League clash today.

Hassan Naiz (Dhaadhu) gave the Maziya the early lead in the 15th minute. Cornelius Stewart collected Asadulla Abdullah's (asako) headed pass and played perfect through pass wide to Dhaadhu who turned the defender before scoring past goalkeeper Labaan.

Mohamed Shaffaz (Shafuley) scored for Green Streets in second half. Shafuley scored from a powerful header at the far post from a corner. Referee awarded a penalty for Maziya where Samdhooh fouled Asako. Cornelius Stewart scored from the spot to give the lead again to Maziya. Dhaadhu again got himself on the score sheet when a corner was bounced inside the penalty box. Dhaadhu blasted the ball into the net. Dhaadhu, the man of the match completed Maziya's victory with a good run from the right side, after a one two pass with Stewart, Dhaadhu scored from a very narrow angle to complete his hat-trick. 

Speaking to the press Green Streets coach Ali Suzain praised Maziya for their fitness. "there still is another round and a few matches from this round, so top four is achievable but we will have to work extra hard" He said.

The winning coach Ismail Mahfooz (Imma) praised on the performance of Dhaadhu and the rest of the team. "we also had financial problems like the rest of the teams, but we and the management had foreseen this and worked hard to make sure all the players are payed" the coach said.

With the win Maziya moves into the fourth place with ten points with a better goal difference than Green Streets. Maziya will play against the bottom team Thimarafushi. Green Streets will play against the league leaders TC on the 7th of October.

Tonight Victory will play against the league leaders TC Sports. 

Photo: ImagesMV


03 October 2018