
OPINIONS: Thank You For Everything, Now Please Leave Us

OPINIONS: Thank You For Everything, Now Please Leave Us


Dear Coach PETAR SEGRT, Yes you have proved your point. You have won the the SAFF SUZUKI CUP 2018 , CONGRATULATIONS. But remember one thing , you have failed us to support you from the very beginning. Your actions are still UNFORGIVABLE. You excluded our National Treasure Ali Ashfaq from the squad , while he was planning to retire in style.

You gave him no choice even when he was the top scorer of Maldives and was in form. You took that away from him publicly with no respect. You made jokes in media about him. Yes they are UNFORGIVABLE You excluded one of our best midfielders Mohamed Umair from the 22 man squad and LIED to the public by saying he was injury. You humiliated him like he was nothing while he played more than 50 matches to our National side.

You might be a winner in everyone’s eyes, but for me personally your just an actor trying to get attention with the public. Our president doesn’t need your protection, he is protected by the public. So don’t try to be a politician and talk **** about it. You fought with one of the most experienced player in the current squad day before the Final match. So basically you gave no respect to any of our players.

For me the players were the saviors of Maldives, they’ve done an astonishing job, they’ve been away from their loved ones for more than a month just to serve this country, and for this happy moment. Players did everything they could to get this Championship.

Congratulation Maldives. And yeah , I’m nothing to you. But I wont forgive you for any of these actions and I know that it will never be a problem for you. But still my heart wanted to say this to you.


-Maldivian Fan-

(via Facebook Messenger)

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Photo: ImagesMV

22 September 2018