
Green Streets To Play Eagles In The Youth Championship Finals Tonight

Green Streets To Play Eagles In The Youth Championship Finals Tonight
Club Green Streets

Green Streets and Eagles will play the FAM Youth Cup Final match tonight at 2100 hours in the Galolhu National Stadium.

After two round robin rounds Eagles and Green Streets qualified as the first and second team. Maziya finished in third place while New Radiant finished at the bottom. Though Eagles finished top of the group, head to head Eagles and Green Streets remain level. On both occasions they managed to draw the game.

Looking at Green Streets, in the first game against Eagles, they played all out defend, however in the second game it was more even in the game. It could well be Green Streets edging past the Champions?

Green Streets National player Yaamin has settled in and is expected to start the game tonight and will be Green Streets biggest threat. Former National team player Ahmed Saeed's (Ammatee) son Shayam has shown his quality throughout the Championships.

key players for Eagles will be Haisham Hassan, former under 19 National player and Ahmed Samah, the former under 16 National captain.

BoalhaMV Predicts a close game and Green Streets might just steal a win from Eagles who have won the last three Youth Championships.


Photo: ImagesMV

16 September 2018