
Asadulla Abdulla Is Back In The Starting 11 As Segrt Opts For Experience

Asadulla Abdulla Is Back In The Starting 11 As Segrt Opts For Experience
Maldives SAFF 2018

Asadulla Abdulla(Asako) is back in the starting 11 as Petar Segrt has opted for more experience against India.

Segrt has made three changes to the squad that had a disappointing draw against Sri Lanka.

Changes are made in the forward line Asako takes the place of the electric youngster Hassan Naiz, his team-mate in Maziya. Ibrahim Mahudhee(Feydhoo Ibbe) takes the place of Ali Fasir (Sentey) one of the most clinical strikers in Maldives at the moment and Ahmed Imaz (Aakko) takes over from Hamza Mohamed. 

Hero of the last game Mohamed Faisal remains in goal and will play a key role if Maldives is to progress today. The defense line and the center of the midfield remains unchanged as Segrt sends the team on.

Ali Fasir(Sentey) is likely to be used as a substitute add extra firepower in the second half. It is also likely that Naiz (Dhaadhu) will come on in the later exchanges of the game, depending on how it goes to torment the tired defense line.

As the teams warm up Maldives is expected to reach the semi-finals. Maldives need anything better than a 0-1 defeat to ensure qualification.

Photo: ImagesMV

09 September 2018