
BoalhaMV Speaks with Coach Kaka

Defending Champion going for another – Eagles New Youth Coach is Coach Ibrahim Saeed, also called coach Kaka. 
FAM youth Championship’s 3 times champions Club Eagles is set to defend the championship again this year says the new head coach Ibrahim Saeed ( Kaka).
The championship is set to start on 29th August, 2018. Club Eagles youth team new head coach Kaka said this is his first experience as a youth head coach. Last two years when Eagles won the championship Kaka was their assistant coach. Previous head coach is now the assistant coach of Senior National Men’s team Ahmed Shakir (Shakittey).
When we asked eagles new head coach about his target on this championship he says
 “Well, first of all I want to thank my club, Club Eagles for trusting me with the youth head coach and giving the chance. For the tournament I am very positive and I am looking forward for a very successful tournament. I am expecting good things from the tournament on an individual level and as a team also. I have being working with these young players for a long time even before the tournament was announced so from them I am expecting progression for sure. And we all are very excited to enjoy the tournament by giving our best. In Shaa Allah things will go well for us”.
As the new head coach, how confident are you to defend the championship :
 “Yes, I am new to this level, youth level as a head coach but I have being working as first assistant to club eagles in youth side under coach Shaakitte (current national team assistant) for the last two years. So, I would like to believe this won't be whole new for me at some level. But as every tournament is new challenge and every game is new, I am up for the challenge. Yes, we have won the last three youth championships. And to be honest pressure is there but I am a person who loves to work under pressure. But in Shaa Allah everything will go fine as we all are ready for the challenges lies in front of us.
What are your expectations on the team, are they ready for the tournament
“I am very confident with the team. Their work rate is amazing and since in this age there is still a lot to instill into these youth players, and they need to learn a lot, they are taking it very seriously and showing impressive dedication. We do not know for sure how things will unfold, but with the team I am very positive. Their performances and their effort makes me confident. They are working very hard in the training, which is very good. The confidence in them makes me more confident. After all we all are in the same boat, rowing to the same direction.
Is there anything you would like to add:
 “At last I would to thank club Eagles management, my senior coaches in present and the once from past, their instructions and guidance is helping me a lot in my days. I am learning and receiving enourmous support from them. And for that i am grateful to them. And my fellow coaches from Eagles who is working with me in the youth side. And I believe that the greater the challenge the more exciting is the tournament. I would like to wish all the very best to other teams in the tournament.
This is the 7th continuous year this championship has been hosted. Maziya SRC, Victory SC and Club Valencia managed to win once but club eagles won it 3 times.
photo: ImagesMV

27 August 2018