

The Football Association of Maldives has announced that FIFA World Cup Trophy is scheduled to arrive to Maldives today.

On this occasion, FAM and the Coca Cola Company have joined to organize events today and tomorrow. Speaking to media, marketing officer of Coca Cola Company stated that the tour to bring the World Cup Trophy to FIFA’s selected countries started last week and since this is the first time the trophy is being brought to Maldives, it will be celebrated tonight at the National Stadium.

FAM mentioned that President of Maldives will be participating in the event and the trophy will be displayed to Maldives by the president himself. FAM has also said that they are planning to involve every atoll and island in tonight’s event and as such, they have planned to take a group photo including a person from every island.

The trophy is set to stay in Maldives until tomorrow so FAM has prepared Turf Stadium for people who want to view and take pictures with it starting from tomorrow morning.

24 January 2018