

TC Football Club has departed to Bangladesh for the first leg of the preliminary last night. TC will be facing Saif Sporting Club of Bangladesh, which will be played on 23rd January 2018.

Before departing, TC’s coach Nizambe spoke to media and stated that the club’s aim is to win the match despite the fact that they got a few weeks to prepare for the match. He also said that competing in the AFC itself is a big achievement for the club and the support given by club’s management has uplifted the team’s spirit even more.

Talking about the players, Nizambe mentioned that he is very confident about the team and is happy to see the new foreign midfielder, Anatoly has merged with the team’s style within a very short period. He also said that the team has very good attackers that scored most of the goals of last season.

Nizambe highlighted that the new foreign striker will miss the first leg of preliminary due to an issue faced. Azzam also suffered a minor injury during the practice, so he is hoping to see Azzam recover before the match. Azzam is an important player for Nizambe’s game play and is likely to be used if he recovers.

The first leg of preliminary round will be played at Bangladesh this Tuesday and the second leg will be played in Male’ on the 30th January 2018. TC will advance to the play-off round if they manage to grab a win from both legs of the preliminary.

21 January 2018