
Bassam faces no competition for re-election bid

President of the Maldives FA Bassam Adeel Jaleel faces no competition in his bid to become president of the Football Association. Speaking at a press conference general secretary of the FA Hussain Jawaz said that the only candidate to have applied to run for the post was Bassam.

Bassam receives popular support from clubs in his bid for re-election. Bassam is backed by all actives clubs of First division and three clubs from the second division.

Wide spread rumors suggested that the government who had backed Bassam since coming to power in 2018 had turned their back on him were endorsing a loyalist of the current ruling MDP but their hopes of bringing the FAM under their control has now vanished with no hope in sight.

Bassam executive committee is made up of former national striker Ali Umar who is the senior vice president. Maziya CEO Hussain Shaafiu (Kokky) is his second vice president while other members of the committee include current senior VP Ahmed Shakeeb, Mohamed Shifau, Eagles CEO mufaviz Hashim (Mufa), former president of TC Ahmed Nasheed (Dave) and president of Club Green Streets Muaviyath Haleel (Muaabe). The female member of the EXCO is Aminath Shaaneez. 


16 February 2020