
UEFA Assist Coaching Course Ends In Male

UEFA Assist Coaching Course Ends In Male
Coach Education

UEFA Assist Coaching Course has ended successfully.

Eighteen coaches successfully completed the course conducted by the well known UEFA Women's Instructor Hesterine Jannetje de Reus. This is the second course to be conducted for all women, after last year's AFC C License course conducted by Coach Education Department chief Shazly Mohamed(Shaz).

The five day course was conducted by de Reus, the former Dutch player who has coached China's Women's under-20 national team, Holland under-19 national team and as Technical Director and Head Coach of Jordan's women's team de Reus won the Arabia Cup in 2010. The high profile coach has also coached PSV Eindhoven's women's team and Australian Women's National Team.

FAM has an A-License course for the first time in fifteen years in 2018. With a couple of B-License course and C-License courses held through out Maldives, this administration under the leadership of Bassam Adheel Jalil has been very active in coach education. FAM has also held a Coach Instructor Course for D-License instructors adding fourteen instructors to the lists of two.

Photo: Facebook | Football Association of Maldives

17 September 2019