
Opinions: Battles of Ego’s, Will He Budge?

Opinions: Battles of Ego’s, Will He Budge?
Club Green Streets Maldives Ali ashfaq Petar Segrt

Ali Ashfaq(Dhagandey) has raised above his ego, so has the Bassam. The country waits for reaction from Petar Segrt.

Today we see a very positive initiative on Dhagandey’s (Ali Ashfaq) Facebook page. Dhagandey having a positive meeting with FAM president Bassam Adheel Jaleel. To some people this might not mean much. I want to share my thoughts on this.

Right now Dhagandey is the most important man in Maldives football. The man who united the nation when we were divided by politics. He is the greatest player ever to play for Maldives. He is the only player who can draw in crowds to the national stadium.

Bassam on other hand like it or not has seen a lot of positive changes in Maldives football in his time as the President of the Association and as the general secretary to Shaweed and Thorig’s time. Some things are worth mentioning here. We won the SAFF Championship after ten years in Bassam’s time. His time has seen Maldives academies flourish winning competitions abroad giving hope to Maldives future players, Bassam’s term has seen a large number of courses that resulted in a surge of coaches in the Maldives, including an A-License course after ten years. Bassam was the general secretary when the highly successful Minivan Championships were introduced in Shaweed’s short term. As a result we see ‘rajjethere clubs’ performing in the Premier League. Though it has still not reached it's potential, this is a very positive initiative.

On the other hand, Petar Segrt has successfully killed all hope for a surge of supporters again by giving contradictory statements about Dhagandey going as far as calling Dhagandey an uncommitted player. This is a huge joke to those who are familiar with Maldives football. Segrt is not as important to Maldives as Bassam or Dhagandey. 

Despite reports in the media that Dhagandey’s exclusion as political, Segrt was gone on record saying it is his decision. Reply to this is best given by Suzain on TV Maldives today. "In a fishing vessel the captain decides everything that goes on the boat, but if they are going fishing and they are not taking the fishing rods, the owners of the vessel has every right to stop him". 

"National team going without Dhagandey is like people going for fishing without fishing rods" explained Suzain.

If Petar Segrt does not like our best players then he needs to be questioned. What is the use of a technical director and a technical committee if he can't be questioned.

Just before the SAFF Championship, Segrt claimed that Dhagandey apologized too late for him to be included as SAFF had registration issues. This statement makes it look like a ‘battle of Egos’.

Coach, with Dhagandey we Maldivians can assure you that you wouldn’t need a tossing of a coin to make the semi-finals. There are reports that the players didn’t listen to you in the semi-finals and the finals.  Is your ego so important that you will leave the best player behind? If not you owe us Maldivians an explanation. A proper explanation. No more lies sir. Or better still, make the whole country love you again.

I think the whole country will agree with me when I say this, Dhagandey has let go of his ego so has Bassam, now will Segrt let go of his ego?


From:Dhivehi Supporter (via Facebook Messenger)

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Photo: ImagesMV


25 August 2019