
Will we see Nilandhoo in Premier League this time?

Will we see Nilandhoo in Premier League this time?
Dhivehi Premier League F.Nilandhoo Rumours

While Dhivehi Premier League is due to start on the 7th of next month, Nilandhoo is knee deep in some problems of their own.

Hence, we tried to reach them to hear what they have to say, while FAM has sent to the Youth Ministry for the budgets of clubs this season, we have got confirmation from both FAM and Nilandhoo that they were excluded from the list.

Prior to the arisal of this news, Boalha mv contacted FAM to hear their opinion. Speaking to Boalha mv, the General Secretary of FAM Hussain Javaaz (Java) said that last year Nilandhoo qualified for the first division as Jamiyyathu’ Shabaab. That was due to the rule of Minivan Championship ‘any team to play must be referral to a sports community based in the island.’

But this was not the case of Jamiyyathu’ Shabaab, yes a community of the island they were, but not a sports community. They were registered as a social community. Furthermore, Java said, As the regulations of Maldivian sports currently are, any club or community which isn’t registered within the sports commission hereby cannot partake in any tournament planned and run by any sports association.

“Due to that being the reason, last year they were given the opportunity to change their club name to a name referral to Nilandhoo with changes in their article of association, and to be registered within the sports commission” said Java speaking to Boalha mv.  And if that was not possible, they were given the chance to register as club evidently named as Nilandhoo in the sports commission by the FAM, said Java.

Initial to the laws of the Sports Commission, Java said that was the reason they excluded the team from the list for the budget, because the Youth Ministry will not provide for an unregistered team within the Commission, says the secretary.

“We gave the the Nilandhoo team an abundant amount of opportunities, we still are, it’s been an year since we have been giving them the chance to register themselves at the Commission, though it’s been to no avail, as we are still yet to receive their articles” said Java.

In light of everything that has happened we contacted the president of Jamiyyathu’ Shabaab Abdul Majeed, and he told us that it was true that the team participated in last year’s premier league as Jamiyyathu’ Shabaab, under a temporary license granted by the Sports Commission. But, he also said that they haven’t  received any official writing from the FAM asking them to change their articles. But that there were talks about such things.

Furthermore Majeed said that FAM as the grand association they are, should not be looking into such problems and concluding them under some verbal discussions that took place somewhere. And that Shabaab has not received any writing for the association.

“FAM contacted me and said that any team qualifying from the Minivan Championship, to play at he premier league must have an authentic name referring to their own island, while also their articles must be registered at the Commission for the advancement and love of the sport.” Said the president of Shabaab.

Furthermore, Majeed told us that they have applied to change their articles at the commission, and that he does not believe it to be sensible, what the FAM is talking about, being able to play if you just change the name of the club, he believes it to be a fraud. “The reason being that we were able to play at the first division under the name of Jamiyyathu’ Shabaab  Nilandhoo and to be able to play this year under a new name? I believe this is a joke.” Said the President of the club.

“And again they are telling us to change our  name to something which refers to our own island, do they not see the name ‘Jamiyathu’ Shabaab  Nilandhoo’? is that not enough? Isn’t that as much as we can refer to our own island?” Said Majeed.

Coming to a conclusion, Majeed said that if that was how the initial regulations were, then they should not have been given the chance to finish the tourney last year. And that, if the teams have to have names referring to their own island, then all the teams that are currently playing at the tournament should have referrals to male’ in their names.

Concluding, Majeed said that even the association has to take their own responsibility in this case, and that the lateness in the registration is coming due to having to renew all the articles and some in the memorandum.

20 May 2019