
HSS U13 Is Warming Up for another international adventure!

HSS U13 Is Warming Up for another international adventure!
Hulhumale' Sports School (HSS) Maldives U13

The Hulhumale' Sports School (HSS) is a school for sports enthusiastic kids. They have based their curriculum greatly upon the environment of school life. Not only do they have practical sessions, they even provide educational insights for their players. And they even have camps for their players which are for fun, education and to improve themselves greatly in their sports techniques and expertise.

Currently their U13 football team is warming up for their upcoming tournament which is to be held at Malaysia. The SAG ASIAN SOCCER DOMINATOR CUP 2019. The team currently consists of players which are studying at Hulhmale schools, they are representing local schools such as ghazee, rehendhi, huravee and some are from the Brightway International school. 

They are undergoing vigorous training sessions regularly. But they are short a pitch, hence their training sessions mainly take place on a sandy ground behind Brightway. "This is a great draw back, we are currently at a disadvantage here, and it's very hard for the players to suddenly adjust to turf pitches after practicing on sand here." says their coach Ahmed Nimal. But this is not stopping their determination. Furthermore, the coach adds "This time we are hoping to be able to play in the second round, that is our goal".  The team is very ambitious and keen to play at the tourney. We hope the very best fo them. 

18 May 2019