
Inter School: Ghaazee ends the tournament on a high note

Inter School: Ghaazee ends the tournament on a high note
Inter School Football Towards Future

The last league game of the U-18 tier of the Mamen Inter School Football Tournament was held today between the teams knocked out early in the tournament after conceding massively.

Both teams coming into this game has lost the previous 3 games with big goal differences. The first half started with a balanced football by both sides. However, three minutes to the end of half, Hussain Maishan of Ghaazee nets a goal. A goal which could be a devastative blow to Rehendhi as it came in the last minutes of the half.

The second half kicked off with much more dominance by Ghaazee as Mijdhaf Abdul Majeedh netted a goal seven minutes into the half. That was followed by Hassan Aboobakuru’s goal three minutes later. The same player scores again ten minutes later with a stunning strike making it 4-0. Sahhaf Abdul Rasheed then scored in the 73rd minute which was followed by Hassan Aboobakuru’s hat-trick completion five minutes later.

Both teams combined conceded a total of 62 goals in 3 games before coming into his game. After the game Rehendhi is left with a record -39 goal difference.

This was the last game of the league, and the final match of the tournament will be played on Thursday night at the National Stadium. A fierce rivalry which has been evergrowing in the age group across all inter school tournaments will be showcased in the final. It’s VIHS against CHSE.

Stay tuned to for more updates on the tournament.

Photo: Our photography partner

02 April 2019