
The 'Brave Boys' Are All Set As United Victory

The 'Brave Boys' Are All Set As United Victory
FAMU21-19/20 New Radiant Sports Club United Victory

The ‘Brave Boys’ of United Victory were without a team just a few days ago.

Before that they were a strong, close knit group with dedicated coaching staff lead by Coach Muaviyath Ilham(Illa)

Everything was looking peachy for the team just a week ago thrashing Foakaidhoo FC in a pre-season friendly. Everything looked perfect, New Radiant was their team then.

Then comes the press release, on the 25th of January The Football Association of Maldives bans New Radiant from all FAM activities.

The players and staff were devastated. BoalhaMV asked Coach Muaviyath Ilham (Illa) what was going on, the disappointed coach just said that he did not want to comment on the situation. One of the New Radiant officials who did not want to be named turned and asked a counter question “Will they get the rights of those players (the unpaid senior players) by taking away the rights of these amazing young players?”

“Everything changed, I don’t know what to do. Some of the players will get a chance to play, some of us might not play” a player added. “We came all the way from our islands, we just want to play. We have trained hard and the coach has been there 100 percent. This is just unbearable” said the player who did not want to be named.

The 'Brave Boys' warming up 

The draw took place on schedule. But BoalhaMV knew that something was happening behind the scenes. During the draw, FAM Technical Director Ihusaan Abdul Ghani (Saanthi) mentioned that a ninth team might be there and that if so, it will be the 5th team in Group B.

 A lot of the players were being approached by other clubs by now, as the FAM announced that the transfer period is extended till the 30th of January.

New Radiant didn’t get the field to hold practice sessions so their preparations stopped. On the final day of transfer deadline again everything changes!

United Victory is in the scene!

Speaking to BoalhaMV, United General Secretary Ismail Shafeeu said "We are happy to help the young players and New Radiant as well. At a time like this United Victory believes in giving a helping hand is important. After all we are from the football family"

The most important thing is everyone is there. The coach, the officials and the players, except for one important player who moved to another club.

Before the deadline FAM allows United Victory to help these players and submit their application with team lists. On 31st after a small break the players are back on the pitch.

The nightmare was over for the ‘Brave Boys’ of UV.

“New Radiant wanted the boys to play. They were very helpful with the transition” Illa said talking to BoalhaMV. Now in-charge of United Victory’s under 21, Illa was excited to talk to us. Illa thanked United Victory and the Football Association for helping the boys.

Coach Muaviyath Ilham(Illa)      Photo: ImagesMV

Illa said that though most of the players got offers from other clubs, all but one player stayed to fight as one team for one dream.

According to coach Illa, United Victory senior team coach Nazeeh helped arrange the transition. Another man that Illa spoke of is the Technical Director Ihusaan Abdul Ghani (Saanthi). The FAM boss helped provide support for the players when they needed it the most according to Illa.

“I didn’t think we would get this chance, but Saanthi made it happen. His priority was to let the youth players play” Illa added.

Illa himself was praised by number of the ‘Brave Boys’, most notably the captain Yusuf Jaisham Nafiz (Jai). Speaking to BoalhaMV Jai thanked coach Illa and Mohamed Malik, the NRSC under 21 manager. Jai expects Malik to be one of the officials at United Victory. Jai son of former Lagoons player Naappe(Naafiz Anees) starred for New Radiant in last year's Youth Under 19 Championship. Jai was happy to talk to BoalhaMV.

“I got offers from few teams, the reason I stayed is that I wanted all of us to be together, to win together. I will sacrifice myself for this. All twenty nine of us will. We have one vision, we will play as one team” Jai told BoalhaMV.

Jai with his father Naafiz Anees and his mother Fathimath Zahidha   Photo: Jai

“Of course we are closer now, we refuse to give up. We will not give up” Jai said when asked if this whole saga made the team weaker or stronger.

Jai told BoalhaMV that their aim is the trophy and they will do all they can to achieve it.

The list is submitted and United Victory is in the tournament. They are in the group of death with Club Eagles, defending champions Green Streets, Eydhafushi and Maziya.

On the 30th, just before the transfer deadline, United Victory’s ‘Brave Boys’ are all set. On 31st they beat Foakaidhoo again in a friendly match announcing their arrival.

“we are well prepared and in-form” Coach Illa said smiling.

BoalhaMV wishes the ‘Brave Boys’ of United Victory all the best.

Photo: Facebook|Muaviyath Ilham

02 February 2019