
" Eydhafushi might return to youth tournament" - Faatte

" Eydhafushi might return to youth tournament" - Faatte
FAM FAM U-21 Youth Championship Eydhafushi Football Team

B.Eydhafushi might be returning to youth level football once again after long three year absence.
Eydhafushi has featured twice in the past tournaments, in 2013 and 2014. 2014 was their last appearance. After that they have not participated in the last 3 tournament in four years. In 2015 the tournament was not held. But in inter-school football tournaments a team has been taking part during these years. Like this year an under 18 team participated.
In addition they have being taking part regularly in the famous Dhonfanu Invitational U-23 Football Tournament since its begining. In the three years of Dhonfanu tournament history , last two years Eydhafushi reached the final, named runner-up after loosing in penalties last year.This year they have been crowned the champions. 
While the talks on Maldives Brazil nick named Eydhafushi possible return, Mohamed Fasir (Faatte) may be the head coach of Eydhafushi youth team. Despite Faatte not being officialy the coach of the under 23 Eydhgushi side for Dhonfanu tournament, Faatte has done a great job in training the team. 
Faatte is a key figure in the technical side of the Eydhafushi Minivan Championship team. Though he does not have coaching license, he has completed few coaching courses.
Mohamed Fasir is the older brother of national team, New Radiant captain Ali Fasir (Sentey). Along with Sentey, Faatte also played in first divison football. He was in Club Eagles in 2006 and played for All Youth Linkage (AYL) in 2009 pairing with his younger brother, Sentey, in both clubs. spoke to Mohamed Fasir (Faatte) about their return to youth level once again. 
" Yes, it is true that we have a thinking to return to Youth Championship. We are still discussing the possible return" Faatte Said.
Accoriding to Mohamed Fasir there is a committee to discuss and finalize all the matters related to all the sports that Eydhafushi might or not take part in. 
"There is a club for that, Club Eydhafushi, not only football but all the sports that our island wants to take participate. The Club includes island council members also. And they all will decide what the best" he explained.
Under the towards future, visionary long term development project of Football Association of Maldives, Eydhafushi has been named as one of the local zonal base by FAM for football development.
And being knocked out of Minivan Championship this year right after winning Minivan Championship in 2017, Eydhafushi decided to develop and give more opportunities to younger players. Therefore they entered the minivan championship this year with a more youth based squad.
Eydhafushi has been a noticeable side in football as in the past and in present also there are very good talented players in the national teams.
Photo: FAM & Eydhafushitimes

27 December 2018