
The Case for a Maldives' National Football Hall of Fame

As they say, "recognition is the greatest motivator". Today, I wanted to float a simple yet important initiative for Maldives' football in particular, and sports in general. We need to launch a national hall of fame to honour our stalwarts, legends and outstanding veterans. 

Ours has long been a semi pro league where clubs default on salaries and players grind it out to make ends meet through day jobs. Many who serve club and country with honour and distinction often end up in the cold post retirement. A select few get stable jobs within the sport as administrators and coaches, while impart their knowledge and give back to the game through academies and shorter stint coaching assignments across the country. The vast majority, however, are forced to seek occupations outside the game. They often fade into obscurity. Sad but true! 

The new government has pledged to empower veterans. A noble gesture indeed. And important one too! A simple yet effective first step would be to honour them for their past achievements. 

                                                                                                                Photo: Facebook| Maldives Soccer Mates

I don't intend to name names here. It would be unethical and self defeating. Let a panel of experts, a thorough review of our history books and media feedback identify worthy candidates. 

A hall of fame would involve induction on an annual basis, in "classes". Players, coaches and administrators alike should qualify. The inductees should find pride of place on a wall of fame in FAM, extensive media and social media coverage and a sponsored scholarship in their name. To allow them to give back to the game they love. 

The modalities can be devised and designed in due course. I leave it to readers to flesh out the concept and debate on the issue. 
Photo: Facebook|Mauroof Ahmed

For the record, I did share a paper on this with FAM in 2012. Maybe in their files. Hopefully didn't end up in the shredder. It would be great if the administrators can take this idea into serious consideration, going forward.

29 November 2018