
Opinions: Lack Of Talent Isn’t The Problem

Opinions: Lack Of Talent Isn’t The Problem

Lack of Talent Isn’t the Problem.

Winning the SAFF Suzuki Cup was the best achievement for football in the last few years. Yes I know we needed a flip of a coin to get into the semi-final, but does it really matter? We are the Champions in a region that has India.

Recently we have heard of lot of talk of India sending their juniors and that we cannot really compete with them. I am no expert on the matter but I want to give a few points as I am someone who still try to follow what is happening in the league. Which is very hard to do because most of the time we don’t even know what is happening in the first division anymore.

Anyway, let’s talk about those very good players who missed out.

Ali Ashfaq (Dhagandey) scoring 40 goals this season. He has had one of the best seasons after his return from Malaysia. He has matured into a more technical player but the 40 goals this season says he is just as deadly as ever.

Ashfaq scored 40 goals this season                                           Photo: ImagesMV

And of course Ahmed Rizvan(Rizey) currently a world record holder for scoring five hattricks in consecutive games. Very few news agencies reported this, but I say he is one of the players of the future. Why hasn’t most Maldivians not heard of him? He has already stared for the National Team too. Somehow he missed out.

Ismail Easa, Messi as he is known to the football family. One of Maldives most creative midfielders. Did play a crucial role in Ricki Herbet’s and Popov’s time for the National team.

Ashadh Ali, dropped for standing up to the coach for his treatment of the great man Ashfaq is what I heard. He is one of the better performers in the Premier League this season and a long time National team leader.

Few youngsters have impressed this year. Abdulla Yameen, the Green Streets youngster who was dropped at the last minute along with Eagles youngsters Mohamed Naim and Hassan Raif. What of the new youngster of Foakaidhoo FC, Mohamed Jailam, who is among the top scorers in the Premier League. With the service he gets from Foakaidhoo it is impressive that he is on the list.

Umair and Amdhan missed out due to injury, absolutely crucial players for the National team.

As we can see we have many youngsters coming up, and we left behind some of Maldives' best players and still won the SAFF Cup.

Ricki Herbert's under 23 National Team                                                  Photo: ImagesMV

Where are we failing?

Isn’t it very obvious that we are failing at the administrative level? Be it club administrations for the Association itself? When was the last time anyone made an effort to promote these starlets?

Don’t even talk about the talent in the islands. TC took advantage of the situation and signed both the Ibbes who represented Maldives in the games.

Petar Segrt is right about one thing, we need to aim higher. We need to bring back our stars and get the admin side of football right, because only with proper management can we utilize our best assets.

The best thing to motivate these talents is the crowds. Not long ago we had full stadiums. Let us all help bring back the passion. For sure this is not something impossible. 

This wasn't long time ago.                                                                                    Photo: ImagesMV

We do not need ‘egos’ keeping our best players out of the team. We have all the talent in the region so manage it! We need to utilize them. We need our legends to help the up and coming players to settle in the national team.

By the way I appreciate this column by BoalhaMV. You guys give importance to us. So thank you.

Ibrahim, Just a follower of Maldives Football

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Photo: ImagesMV

27 November 2018